How Quantum Entanglement Can Revolutionize Science and Technology

Ahmed Hesham
7 min readJul 10, 2023


Two entangled electrons

Quantum entanglement is one of the most fascinating and mysterious phenomena in physics. It describes how two or more particles can be linked in such a way that their quantum states cannot be described independently, even when they are separated by vast distances. This means that measuring one particle will instantly reveal information about the other, without any physical connection or communication between them.

This phenomenon has puzzled and intrigued scientists for decades, as it seems to defy the common sense notion of causality and locality. How can two particles influence each other across space and time, without any signal or interaction? Is this some kind of spooky action at a distance, as Einstein famously called it? Or is there a hidden mechanism behind this quantum weirdness?

In this blog post, we will explore how quantum entanglement works, what it means for our understanding of reality, and why it is not a form of telepathy or mind-reading. We will also look at some of the cutting-edge research and applications of quantum entanglement, such as quantum cryptography, quantum computing, and quantum metrology.

What is Quantum Entanglement and How Does It Happen?

Quantum entanglement is a property of quantum systems that involves two or more particles being in a superposition of states. A superposition is a combination of possible outcomes that are not yet determined until an observation is made. For example, a photon (a particle of light) can have two possible polarizations: horizontal or vertical. Before we measure its polarization, the photon is in a superposition of both possibilities, meaning it has some probability of being horizontal and some probability of being vertical.

Now, imagine we have a special crystal that can split a photon into two photons with opposite polarizations. This means that if the original photon was horizontal, the two new photons will be vertical, and vice versa. However, since the original photon was in a superposition, we don’t know which polarization it had until we measure it. Therefore, the two new photons are also in a superposition of both polarizations, but with a twist: they are entangled.

Entanglement means that the two photons share a quantum state and are correlated in some way. For example, if we measure one photon and find it to be horizontal, we instantly know that the other photon must be vertical, even if it is on the other side of the galaxy. This is because the measurement of one photon collapses the superposition of both photons and determines their polarizations. The same logic applies if we measure the other photon first, or if we measure both photons simultaneously.

This is what makes quantum entanglement so intriguing and counterintuitive: it implies that there is some kind of connection or influence between the entangled particles that transcends space and time. However, this does not mean that there is any physical signal or communication between them. In fact, quantum mechanics forbids any faster-than-light information transfer, as it would violate the principle of relativity.

So how can we explain this quantum correlation without invoking any spooky action? The answer lies in the nature of quantum mechanics itself: it is a probabilistic theory that describes reality in terms of possibilities rather than certainties. When we measure an entangled system, we are not revealing some pre-existing hidden information or sending some message to the other particle; we are simply choosing one out of many possible outcomes that are consistent with the quantum state of the system.

In other words, quantum entanglement does not imply any causal relationship between the entangled particles; it only implies a statistical relationship between their measurements. The entangled particles do not have any definite properties or values until they are observed; they only have probabilities that depend on their quantum state. Therefore, there is no contradiction or paradox in quantum entanglement; it is just a manifestation of the inherent randomness and uncertainty of quantum mechanics.

Why Quantum Entanglement Is Not a Form of Telepathy

Quantum entanglement may seem like a form of telepathy or mind-reading, as it allows us to know something about another particle without directly observing it. However, this is a misconception that stems from misunderstanding how quantum mechanics works.

First of all, quantum entanglement does not allow us to transmit any information or message between the entangled particles. As we have seen, measuring one particle does not affect or change the other particle in any way; it only reveals one possible outcome that was already encoded in their quantum state. Therefore, there is no way to manipulate or control one particle to send a signal to the other particle; any attempt to do so would destroy the entanglement and erase any correlation.

Secondly, quantum entanglement does not allow us to predict or determine the outcome of any measurement before it is made. As we have seen, the entangled particles do not have any definite properties or values until they are observed; they only have probabilities that depend on their quantum state. Therefore, there is no way to know what the result of any measurement will be until we actually perform it; we can only calculate the probabilities of different outcomes.

Thirdly, quantum entanglement does not allow us to access or read the mind of another observer who measures an entangled particle. As we have seen, the measurement of one particle does not affect or change the other particle in any way; it only reveals one possible outcome that was already encoded in their quantum state. Therefore, there is no way to know what the other observer saw or measured by looking at our own particle; we can only compare our results and find a correlation.

In summary, quantum entanglement is not a form of telepathy or mind-reading; it is a form of quantum correlation that arises from the superposition and randomness of quantum mechanics. It does not allow us to communicate, predict, or access any information that is not already available to us; it only allows us to verify and confirm the quantum state of an entangled system.

How Quantum Entanglement Can Be Used for Quantum Technologies

Quantum entanglement may not be a form of telepathy or mind-reading, but it is a form of quantum resource that can be used for various quantum technologies. By exploiting the quantum correlation and superposition of entangled particles, we can achieve tasks that are impossible or impractical with classical physics.

One example of such a task is quantum cryptography, which is the science of secure communication using quantum principles. Quantum cryptography allows us to create and distribute secret keys that can be used to encrypt and decrypt messages, without any risk of eavesdropping or interception. This is possible because any attempt to measure or copy an entangled particle will disturb its quantum state and reveal its presence. Therefore, by using entangled particles as keys, we can ensure that only the intended recipients can access the messages.

Another example of such a task is quantum computing, which is the science of computation using quantum principles. Quantum computing allows us to perform calculations and operations that are exponentially faster or more efficient than classical computing. This is possible because quantum computers use qubits, which are quantum bits that can be in a superposition of 0 and 1, rather than classical bits that can only be 0 or 1. Therefore, by using entangled qubits as inputs and outputs, we can process and manipulate multiple pieces of information simultaneously.

A third example of such a task is quantum metrology, which is the science of measurement using quantum principles. Quantum metrology allows us to measure physical quantities and parameters with unprecedented precision and accuracy. This is possible because quantum systems are very sensitive to external influences and disturbances, such as noise, interference, or decoherence. Therefore, by using entangled particles as probes and detectors, we can amplify and enhance the signals and reduce the errors.

These are just some of the applications and benefits of quantum entanglement for quantum technologies. There are many more possibilities and challenges that await us in this exciting field of research and innovation.


Quantum entanglement is one of the most fascinating and mysterious phenomena in physics. It reveals how reality is fundamentally probabilistic and non-local at the quantum level. It also offers us new ways of understanding and manipulating nature for various purposes.

Quantum entanglement is not a form of telepathy or mind-reading; it is a form of quantum correlation that arises from the superposition and randomness of quantum mechanics. It does not allow us to communicate, predict, or access any information that is not already available to us; it only allows us to verify and confirm the quantum state of an entangled system.

Quantum entanglement is a form of quantum resource that can be used for various quantum technologies. By exploiting the quantum correlation and superposition of entangled particles, we can achieve tasks that are impossible or impractical with classical physics.

Quantum entanglement is a fascinating topic that challenges our intuition and imagination. It also opens up new horizons for scientific discovery and technological innovation.

If you enjoyed this blog post and want to learn more about quantum entanglement, here are some resources you can check out:

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Until next time, stay curious and keep exploring the wonders of quantum physics!



Ahmed Hesham

Tech & Science Enthusiast I'm interested in Mathematics and Data Science. I have worked and gained experience with Python and C++.